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A new one from my collection, an un-doctored cover. One in a humorous series of monkey covers Walter Baumhofer did for Adventure. Baumhofer's faces are fantastic. He gives great character and expression to the rough mugs of Adventure.
As some of you have noticed, it's been a while (a year and a half!). I've been busy with selling and buying a house, coaching basketball, soccer, and baseball, among other pursuits, diversions, and speedbumps on the road of life. But here I am in my new office with room for (almost) all of my books and periodical collection stating my intent to get back to work scanning and blogging. I've got some fresh scans in the works as well as many old scans to write about, and I also mean to continue on with the umpteen promised topics started and not yet started here at Darwin Scans.
The first task I hope to finish this week is replacing all of the deleted file links on my past posts. My Mediafire account fell victim to Mediafire's recent culling of free accounts in their shift in business model and philosophy. Without griping too much about the thousands and thousands of links lost, I've managed to get all my scans up at Sendspace in a paid account. It's not quite as easy as Mediafire, but it's a good second choice, and I've experienced no problems with their service so far.
Anyways, I'm back in the saddle, pardners, and will get to all of those requests for file re-ups in short order.
So glad to have you back! I discovered your blog only one post before your hiatus, so it's exciting to see some new content.
Very good to have you back, sir!
I joined you site a few months back.
I wanted to keep in touch with you.
I still have my own site.
Welcome back D!
Very much looking forward to future posts from you.
Happy Holidays!
It’s nice to see that a vintage hardcopy of Adventure still exists! You did a great job in keeping it in good condition! The quality of the scan is also really good.
Ruby Badcoe
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