Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Black Cat 052, January 1900

In a reversal from the norm as of late, this scan is my edit of McCoy's raw scans.

Scrollable Image

A nice issue tonight of The Black Cat, one of the earliest magazines that I think of as a pulp. The stories are varied and often offbeat, and there's a large element of fantasy in many of the entries before this was common. There are no serials (which I like), and the magazine would use untested authors based on the strength of their submissions. It's got a little bit of a homebrew feel to it, but I think it's a classy production. And, of course, the advertisements on these turn-of-the-century jobbers are always cool (I like the morphine cure ads in this issue). Some of the earliest covers for the magazine are fantastic (they got less graphically inventive soon after this issue), and I think the one on this issue is mesmerizing. Thanks to McCoy for the raws!

Get the scan here.

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