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Wrestling World v01n04 (1954-07.Wrestling World) (darwin-dregs).cbr
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From 1954, here's the fourth issue of Wrestling World. Another trip back in the wrestling time machine, this is a fun issue. Thanks to golden age comic scanner Darkmark for pointing out that the gentlemen on the cover is none other than Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's grandfather. A quick look at The Rock's wiki reveals that his maternal grandmother took over promotion of Polynesian Pacific Pro Wrestling when the elder Maivia died in 1982. I don't quite see the family resemblance from the cover and the photos within, but showmanship must run in the family. Interestingly Maivia objected to his daughter's marriage to Dwayne's pops, wrestler Rocky Johnson, who together with Tony Atlas were the first african-american World Tag Team Champions.
Wiki for Maivia
Maivia's hall of fame page at the WWE site, you can navigate from here to find info on Rocky Johnson.
Quite the wrestling lineage. There's no doubt The Rock has been great for the sport, I really enjoyed his shtick at the height of his career.
But on to the scan at hand. Contents:

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Both pages of the Maivia article

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Another sample. Enjoy the scan!

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