Saturday, July 8, 2023

BARRED v01n05, circa 1966-1967 / Outlaw Biker Mags and Titus Moody

Last post I joked about filth, this post we might just indulge in some whoop whoop

Get the full hi-res scan here: BARRED v01n05 (--c.1966,7--.Seven Seventy) (DDT)

or view the issue at the Internet Archive here.

McCoy reminds those of good taste, Don't Download This! 

Searching my blog here, I'm somewhat amazed this is my first post on the so-called Bad Mags, the wilder, often fly by night publications of the age exploitation magazines.

I give full credit for my introduction to the world of these magazines to Tom Brinkmann's Bad Mags:


Mr. Brinkmann in Bad Mags Volumes One and Two catalogs, categorizes, and analyzes the world of seedy delights in the down market magazines.  Brinkmann has an entire chapter in the first volume on the genre of today's issue, "The 1%ers Outlaw Riders - Sixties Style," featuring covers and a survey of outlaw biker issues and articles in sixties and seventies magazines.

Appearing often on the covers of these magazines, and particularly on the biker issues from the above publisher, Seven Seventy, is reference to Outlaw Motorcycle (1966), a film/spectacle put together by Titus Moody.

Here's Titus in 1995, in an introduction to the film as cult classic which he claims was shot during the Watts Riots.

You can even watch the film - oh, the glories and depravities of Youtube

Brinkmann's first volume has some nice biographical information on Moody's adventures in Hollywood's fringe cinema, but I didn't see a decent bio on the web.  Anyways, Moody is listed as Executive Editor for this issue, and it seems to be one of a number of magazines from Seven Seventy that promoted and also used material from the film and the making of.   Outlaw Motorcycles is often credited for being at the front of the wave of movies to cash in on biker gang trends and fears and interests.  Bikersploitation?  Staged photos, real photos, representation or misrepresentation, I'm not judging - let's just get to issue at hand 😅

at Flickr

Special Second Issue Outlaw Motorcycle, Peter Fonda at the head of the pack.  Their love is hate fore everyone and everything except each other.

Brutal, Frank, Violent says the cover.  A lot of the photos look like kids hangin' out to me, but perhaps I'm just a sympathetic soul.  Some of these members look like models, but some of these members also look like poor role models lol

at Flickr

at Flickr

 at Flickr

at Flickr

at Flickr

Besides the biker photography, the magazine also gets into some of the local biker culture and club layout but also ventures into reviews of adjacent films. 

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