Friday, June 16, 2023

Swipe? Paris Gayety cover November 1933 / Tattoo Ad True Confessions Back Cover January 1935

An on-the-spot sort of post with found images.  I was indexing True Confessions from Fawcett (a publisher we'll be working with here a bit) and came across this ad on a back cover from 1935.

Artist(s) unknown.  But the pose and the bow instantly reminded me of this cover of Paris Gayety from 1933:

Artist - Baumann.  This is one of those oddball cases in the girlies where you see an artist on perhaps a single cover or two and never again. Here's number two, Paris Nights April 1934

Hit me with some info on the artist if you have it beyond the last name, never to be seen again on the girlies.  (Nice error on Robert Leslie Bellem's name on the cover there, editor, oof)  Well, this isn't quite true as the first cover was used again in 1939 on Gay French, a reprint title, recycling, baby, Art Models with Figures Supreme, ha

 All's well here.  I haven't been blogging as much as I'd like, but scan work and research work continues.  Flickr remains fun (and a far superior place to look at images than blogger), and I do try to get materials new and old up to the Internet Archive as time allows as well as repairing some of the old posts here.  I remain all over the place in interest and investigation but whatelseisnew.  As always, chime in on comments if you can tag an image I've not identified.  I feel like I should be able to ID the Tattoo ad but have nada.  The cosmetics ads during the heyday of illustration in both upmarket and downmarket mags attracted much talent and is perhaps an overlooked area of pin-up and glamour art.

EDIT: A possible suspect for the first image I posted, Frank Farkas, who also did some SAVAGE lipstick ads, perhaps the same company.  The possible ID came when I saw another Tattoo Hawaiian back cover from True Confessions, November 1935

and a couple of others from the same lipstick line, the first signed Jean La Farge in similar font to Farkas, something fishy here, from the back cover of Romantic Movie Stories 1935-09

and this last one, no publication info or date of origin, a smaller image signed F Farkas but in a different manner

I smell some sort of alias or play here.  But, as always, I could be wrong, hmm...

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