Monday, May 29, 2023

True Mystic Confessions v01n01, 1937 / Love Rites of a Nudist Cult

Kicking off a twin set of Fawcett publication posts of one-off Magazines from 1937, Zoe Mozert's mystical cover for True Mystic Confessions.

Unsigned, but most certainly a Mozert. Incense in the air, stare across the table and have your fortune read by this mysterious blonde.  What mysteries lie within?

This is an upgrade to an older scan.  At the time I released it with a thumbnail cover due to damage to my copy, but I've since discovered a much better image to use for repair, and, with the help of Miss Saskia from pulpscans, I have a much better cover image for the scan.  I've also made fresh original width .jpegs from my lossless files for some higher resolution images.

 A better look at the cover here.  A link to a gallery of Zoe Mozert art here.

Get the high res scan here.

Or you can view online at the IA here.

If you're still not mystified by the fortune teller's gaze, let's take a peek inside.

True, Complete, Real.  An inviting figure calls from atop the rocks on the contents page.  The indicia lists Country Press in Greenwhich, Connecticut.  At some point in the 30s, Capt. Billy's prosperous Minnesota outfit moves to New York and Connecticut to be closer to the action and would claim a ten million a month magazine circulation with True Confessions posting a circulation of two million alone.  The enterprise that had launched with Capt. Billy's Whiz Bang had grown into an empire.  Though the Whiz-Bang's popularity peaked in the 20s as artists and models and girlie pulps captured the risque market, Fawcett did quite well with their mechanical titles and magazines in the true story and detective markets.  I don't know at this time in 1937 how much of the ruddering of the company was being done by Willford "Capt. Billy" Fawcett versus his sons who would take over after his death in Hollywood in 1940, but here we see Fawcett trying a novelty title, perhaps a hybrid of the old Mystic Magazine with True Confessions.  Throw in some Hollywood content and perhaps a nude or few, and now we're cooking.

The opening splash, Murdered by a Sex-Mad Play Boy

The play boy stalks our heroine - or does our heroine stalk the play boy?  Revenge and confession, a broken reputation a small price to pay for vengeance.

What do the stars tell the stars?  Anthony Norvell's horoscopes for the who's who

Joan Crawford, William Powell, Carole Lombard, Jeanette McDonald, Anita Louise and Dolores Del Rio have their stars examined by Norvell, famous Hollywood astrologer.

If Mystic Adventures aren't your thing, perhaps adventures of a phyiscal variety o.O

Nudity that ends in marriage?  Confession and redemption in a single stroke, it's often how the genre likes to play these vicarious thrills.

Love back from the grave, My Phantom Mistress.

Or the story of a singer whose voice is discovered by a son at his mother's funeral.  The price one has to pay for show biz success - but at least the view is good.

And, remember ladies, there is a right way and a wrong way to hold your man.  The battle of the sexes has some complicated rules when you're a woman...

A couple more splashes

Or my favorite graphic from the magazine, captivating.  What Do Your Dreams Foretell?

Lastly, the magazine closes with promos for another one shot issue that looks to be looking for the same audience with a taste for the wild side, Daring Confessions (I'd like to see this one.)  FOR WOMEN ONLY 😉

The cover, from a recent HA auction.

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