Crime, March 1953. Cover by Howell Dodd. A classic example of JD pulp art. What are these kids smoking, anyways?! You better believe Darwination knows. Get a better look on Flicker here.
I tracked down the original and was pleased to see it exists. We can only say that for a fraction of pulp art. Sold for just above five Grand at Heritage. I've seen paintings sell for millions that do far less for me. I daresay that collector should hold on to this one. I do not own a single piece of original pulp art, but maybe someday...
I daresay the the digital image of the magazine cover looks even better than the original.
A second one! Cover Only!
Enoch Bolles, Gay Parisienne, September 1937. See it more easily on Flickr here.
A quick and easy restore unlike the rest of these cover only posts, I'm sure I could go further. With a mint copy, I can get a nice image with just a half hour or hour of work. I have a good number of fresh cover to cover girlie pulp scans in the pipeline (as you've no doubt noticed, it's a peculiar and particular interest of mine), but I also want to sort of fill out the record with some quick(er) restores of some much deserving pin-up cover art from overlooked and celebrated artists as well. Cover only.
I love how Bolles made the pillows to look like gawking eyes!